Summer Institute on Methodologies for Housing Justice at UCLA

On August 5-9 Laura took part to the Summer Institute on Methodologies for Housing Justice at UCLA in Los Angeles, US. The event was aimed at bringing together movement-based and university-based scholars to address key needs and gaps in housing and planning research. A part of the Housing Justice in #UnequalCities Network, which is housed at the Institute on Inequality and Democracy at UCLA Luskin and supported by the National Science Foundation, this class advanced research methodologies that tackle pressing housing issues and build power for advocacy and community organizations. The course was led by Ananya Roy, Director of the Institute on Inequality and Democracy and Professor of Urban Planning, Social Welfare, and Geography at UCLA, and Raquel Rolnik, Professor of Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo, and former UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing.

17 Set , 2019 - Category:

housing · methodologies · urban studies

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