Online Event – Public libraries as centres of European cities

On May 27th 2021 from 14.00-15.30, the Senate Department for Culture and Europe of the city of Berlin and the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations  are hosting a series of online discussions on the topic of public libraries as lighthouses for education, exchange, inspiration and citizen engagement in European cities, with particular focus on the question of how to make libraries more visible at the European policy level.

Tesserae senior researcher Laura Colini will be participating in a panel discussion on the theme of bringing public libraries onto the EU agenda as part of the event, which is open to the general public and free to attend with registration.

The discussion series is part of the ‘Raise Awareness for Public Libraries in Europe’ initiative within the framework of the Urban Agenda for the EU, which aims to stimulate recognition among decision-makers of the importance of public libraries for Europe and to promote them onto the European agenda.

Public libraries as centres of European cities – May 27th 2021, 14.00-15.30

Moderator: Hella Klauser (German Library Association, EBLIDA Executive Committee member)

I. Municipal libraries and Europe – opposites or harmony?
Gerry Woop (Permanent Secretary for Europe at the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe)
Ton van Vlimmeren (President of EBLIDA)

II. Where are you? Public libraries in European policies
Presentation of the results of research within the framework of the action
Ilona Kish (Director of Public Libraries 2030)

III. Public Libraries on the European agenda!
How do we deal with the results of research, how do we use them, and what do we derive from them?
Laura Colini (Tesserae Urban Social Research)
Volker Heller (Director of the Central and Regional Library Berlin)
Ton van Vlimmeren (President of EBLIDA)
Ilona Kish (Director of Public Libraries 2030)
Moderator: Hella Klauser (German Library Association, EBLIDA Executive Committee member)

IV. Where do we go from here?
Summary and way forward
Reiner Schmock-Bathe (Head of Unit for Public Libraries and European Cultural Affairs at the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe)

Register to attend

19 Mag , 2021 - Category:

engagement · EU Urban Agenda · public libraries

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