Plotting the Urban Body Podcast

PLOTTING THE URBAN BODY is an interdisciplinary project by artist Maria Pecchioli and Italy’s Radio Papesse investigating urban space as an organic body. It examines the energies of the city and its transformations through the lens of Taoist cosmogony, traditional Chinese medicine and the I Ching Book of Changes.

The project’s research in the Italian city of Florence has produced a series of audio works and podcasts, mixing elements of sound walks around the city, documentary and meditation. The most recent of these features a conversation with Tesserae’s Lorenzo Tripodi discussing his work on urban reconnaissance tools, peripheries, the reclaiming of space and his involvement in the creative squatting strategies that developed in Florence 20 years ago.

You can listen to the podcast here.

The podcast series also includes a work about the Florentine district of Rifredi, connecting the formerly squatted Meccanotessile factory complex located there (which Lorenzo was also involved in) and the currently threatened Biomechanical Venus sculpture that was built on the site in 2003 as a monument to anti-capitalism and creative social activism.

15 Apr , 2021 - Category:

art · Firenze · urban studies

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