OpenCCCP final conference

The final international conference of the OpenCCCP Project will take place online on June 29 at 11 am to present the results of the last two years of work around community processes and heritage. It will include the round table Open Resources for Heritage Making  with the participation of Levente Polyak of Eutropian and Laura Colini of Tesserae and representatives of the Museum of the History of Immigration in Catalonia, and will include also the perspective of some of the participants to the local labs developed during the project.

“Open Resources for Heritage Making”

We observe an increasing shift from the concept of heritage as a fixed, given value to be preserved and cared to one of heritage-making: heritage as a process that involve communities reclaiming and redefining its meaning and value,  a resource to be appropriated and resignified by the people that inhabit territories.
1) How do we understand ownership into the heritage definition? 
2) What is the role of new professional roles like those of territorial / community activators in enhancing the capacity of people to reclaim and manage heritage as a commons?  What skills and professional tools are needed to manage such processes?
3) How do we enforce the process of learning from context and develop open resources that can be used for educating and activating local communities into practices ?

Register here for the event

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