Online conference “Another migration policy is possible”.

A different migration policy is possible Conference – Thursday, 21 October 2021, 10 a.m. (CEST)

Together with the Heinrich Böll Stiftung, the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung and the Seebrücke, Tesserae invites you to join our online conference “A different migration policy is possible”.

Register for the conference

The conference will focus on exploring individual examples of successful solidarity-based migration policies and discussing their political significance.

The conference will also coincide with the launch of our new online platform,
“Moving Cities” maps more than 700 cities from all over Europe that support solidarity-based migration policies, whilst also offering more in-depth insights into 28 progressive solidarity cities and their strategies for welcoming migrants and refugees.

Speakers at the conference will include, among others:
Tareq Alaows (expert on asylum and migration policy)
Anna Lisa Boni (Secretary General of the EUROCITIEs network of cities)
Katja Dörner (Mayor of the City of Bonn)
and Barbara Oomen (Project Manager of Cities of Refuge)

The full programme for the event can be found here.

14 Ott , 2021 - Category:

conference · migration · moving cities

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