A modular adventure game for urban exploration

ItinerAnts, is a modular adventure game that encourages to explore, imagine and propose transformations for the city you live in. This tool was developed by Zemos98 within the URBEX EU Erasmus+ project.

The game is composed of different elements that can be used integrally or separately as a set of different tools that are useful on different approaches and will help you explore your neighbourhood from different perspectives in order to imagine alternative, more sustainable and liveable urban spaces.

The toolset also provides a series of complementary exercises and methodologies designed to be included in the Itinerants game as well as to be played on their own.

Download and print your own ItinerAnts and adapt it to the needs of your project.

Play, mix, share!

6 Mag , 2023 - Category:

gaming · social inclusion · toolkit · tools · training · urban education · urban reconnaissance · urbex · youths


Read / download here the ITINERANTS  URBEX_TOOLKIT

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