New Key Publication on European Migration and Refugee Integration

Launched today, the first publication of From Sea to the City, a consortium of which Tesserae is proud to be part, details key recommendations and best practices in the field of European migration and refugee integration into EU cities and civil society. Together with the new publication, we are also pleased to announce the upcoming ‘Conference of Cities’ on 25-26 June 2021, which will be taking place both online and in Palermo.

In 2020 From Sea to the City launched a series of online conferences around five key demands. These online events were the first step in a process aimed at creating a European network of cities and communities whose initiatives and actions will support a broader advocacy campaign for improving European migration policies.
You can check out the online panels here.

The newly released report documents the outcomes and recommendations that came out of these conferences.

Themes and findings discussed in the report include:

  • Collaboration between cities and civil society organisations for radical change in European Union migration policy design and decision-making.
  • Comprehensive, European-municipality centered mechanisms for refugee arrival and reception
  • Ensuring an active role for cities and civil society organisations in the management of EU funds
  • Human rights-based policies on health, housing, education and labour

In addition to the publication, the ‘Conference of Cities’ will be taking place from 25-26 June 2021 both online and in the city of Palermo. The conference will continue the discussions started online throughout 2020 and will host online and physical discussions between mayors and city representatives from all over Europe that have shown their willingness to uphold fundamental European values and refugees’ rights.

Download the report here

1 Apr , 2021 - Category:

conference · human rights · migration · refugee · social inclusion

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