Emidio di Treviri School of territorial activism

From October 18 -20 we attended the school of territorial activism. Located in Fornara, between the wonderful Laga and Sibillini mountains and organised by the Emidio di Treviri association, the school invited activists, researchers and inhabitants to discuss strategies for development and resistance in the areas affected by the recent earthquake and beyond. Emidio di Treviri is a spin off of the Brigate di Solidarietá Attiva, an autonomous organisation bringing active solidarity to areas affected by disasters in an alternative logic to capitalism, part of a coordination of local initiatives against projects of displacement and reconstruction that are favouring the dispossession of local communities. During the event Laura discussed the case of Castelluccio di Norcia.

30 Ott , 2019 - Category:

activism · local community · solidarity

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