edu-city conference

The Neighbourhood as a Learning Environment

Conference  Berlin, 25th-26th January 2024, 10 am-6pm. 
Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek, Blücherplatz 1
10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg

The conference is the final event of the EduCity Erasmus plus project and will present results and learnings of the project all along with papers connected with the topic, keynotes, workshops and field explorations. The project is a cooperation between Tesseræ, ZLB, Hebbel am Ufer, Bond of Union (Palermo), Les tétes de l’art (Marseille), Ideas Factory (Sofia) und Zemos98 (Sevilla).The conference is held at the AGB, ZLB’s Kreuzberg branch, which is as a public library oriented at empowering their communities by facilitating knowledge production in the communities. 

The event is open to the general public and free of charge.  

6 Dic , 2023 - Category:

Berlin · conference · educity · erasmus-plus · library · urban education

Day 1

10.00 Registration

10.30 Welcome and Introduction

10.45 Keynote (TBD) + discussion

11.45. Coffee break

12.00  Session 1: EduCity

    • EduCity Handbook
    • EC training scheme  
    • Compendium of local initiatives
      • Sevilla local lab
      • Sofia local lab
      • Palermo local lab
      • Marseille local lab
      • Berlin local lab

13.30 Lunch break

15.00 Session 2: Changing neighbourhoods 

16.30 Coffee break

16.45 Session 3: Governing commons 

18.00 Wrap up and intro 2nd day activities

18.30 End of the activities

Day 2

10.00 Session 4 Learning neighbourhoods

          Session 4 B Art and environment

11.30 Coffee break

11.45 Session 5  A   Social Impacts

         Session 5  B Creative approaches

13.30 Lunch break / Urban picnic walk

15.00 Session 6 Parallel Workshops

    • Urban Reconnaissance: intersectional city
    • Engagement  
    • Storytelling, co-design, reflection: podcast production

17.00   Coffee Break

17. 15 Reporting and final elaboration of the workshop

18.00 Conclusions and salutations

registration on Eventbrite



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