CoCreation Kick off in Oxford

January 16-18 at Brookes University in Oxford took part the first operative meeting of the new CoCreation project led by dr. Juliet Carpenter at Brookes and dr. Christine Horvath of Bath University. The CoCreation project will develop a collaboration between four Universities and three non-academic organisations,  including Tesserae. As Dr Juliet Carpenter said: “The project is a great opportunity for the team of researchers to learn about marginalisation in different cities in the EU and Latin America. We’re hoping to develop new methods using techniques such as digital ethnography, which ultimately will have an impact on the communities who live in these neighbourhoods, addressing stereotypes and stigmatization.”

More here on Brookes University’s news

During the two days we had also the opportunity to visit the neighbourhoods of Rose Hill and Blackbird Leys, among the future case studies of the project.


7 Feb , 2017 - Category:

Bath · cocreation · social inclusion

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