Dom Novogo Byta is online. The second RCP film shot in Moscow between 2009 and 2011 and issued in 2013 is now fully accessible from the Re>centering Periphery website and from oginoknauss’ Vimeo channel.
Dom Novogo Byta is online. The second RCP film shot in Moscow between 2009 and 2011 and issued in 2013 is now fully accessible from the Re>centering Periphery website and from oginoknauss’ Vimeo channel.
With the fourth public meeting that took place on Thursday 18 February at Feldfünf im Metropolenhaus we closed the first phase of the Mehringplatz Anknipsen lab. After the previous meetings done at the Kiezstübe (Delimitations, places) and at the Amerika Gedenkbibliothek (memories), the topic proposed this time to the group of participants was “transformations”: how has the neighbourhood changed through […]
On Tuesday December 14th at 20:00 CET the first in our series of Tesserae Dialogues will go live online. We are excited to be opening the series with guest Michael Edwards, professor at the Bartlett School of Architecture at UCL and a fellow member of the International Network of Urban Research and Action. Michael has been a great inspiration for us with his […]
(In progress report) Between November 11th and 25th we have run the “Who Owns Kreuzberg” workshop at the FXHB Museum. This Urban Reconnaissance laboratory involved a group of activists and researchers in “mapping creativity and resistance” in Kreuzberg, with the aim to provide an insight into the complexities of urban transformations in the city and to […]