O Museu da Maré é nosso!

22 Mag , 2019 - Category:

community museum · favelas · rio de janeiro

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EduCity Conference call for papers

EduCity Conference call for papers

EduCity Conference **  call for papers DEADLINE EXTENDED to 15 November!** The neighbourhood as a learning environment Berlin, 25-26 January 2024, Amerikagedenk Bibliothek. The Edu-City conference looks at the neighbourhood dimension and the potential of neighbourhoods as spaces for social engagement. Neighbourhoods are complex social ecosystems entrenching multiple relations of human life among individuals and […]

Fighting Homelessness Policy Lab

Fighting Homelessness Policy Lab

10-11 of December 2018 will take place in Paris the Policy Lab “Fighting Homelessness: the role of cities”,  co-organised by URBACT  with FEANTSA (European Federation of National Organisations Working with the Homeless). Laura Colini will coordinate the session in her role as URBACT program, expert. Over 4 million people are affected by homelessness each year in Europe, […]

URBEX final meeting

URBEX final meeting

On July 30-31 we met in London at the University College with the partners of the URBEX ErasmusPlus project. We discussed the outcomes of the laboratories of urban exploration that took place in five neighbourhoods in Palermo, Ljubljana, Albacete, London and Berlin. In Mehringplatz Tesserae collaborated with the youths of KMA Antenne in drafting the H-Town tour, an itinerary […]