Solipolis – New Hamburg

Tesserae is taking part to the Solipolis festival in Veddel, Hamburg, dedicated to multicultural dialogue and neighbourhood mobilization. Saturday 15 September Laura talked at the opening session about solidarity cities and migration in Europe. Saturday the 22nd Lorenzo and Daniele will coordinate an urban reconnaissance workshop. A walk in the neighbourhood becomes an opportunity to reflect on how the city shapes each of us and the relationships between us as neighbours.


Urban Reconnaissance: Erkundungen zur Solidarischen Stadt

Ein Spaziergang in der Nachbarschaft wird zur Gelegenheit, darüber nachzudenken wie Stadt jede*n von uns und Beziehungen zwischen Nachbar*innen gestaltet.

Download here the program

19 Set , 2018 - Category:

festival · Hamburg · migration · solidarity · urban reconnaissance · workshop

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