Civic eState final event – May 26-28

The final event of  URBACT’s Civic eState project will take place online from May 26th to 28th 2021.  The virtual conference aims to showcase the impact of Civic Estate’s activities and to promote its results at a European and global level, fostering dialogue with experts, academics and elected representatives. Key themes of the event will include a spotlight on the role of local residents and stakeholders in the management of community commons, transfer of administrative innovation practices and new models of urban commons co-governance.

On Thursday 27th at 3.30 pm, Tesserae senior researcher Lorenzo Tripodi will be presenting in the event’s regeneration, reuse and reactivation room, sharing insights from a new study on community-led commons regeneration and civic regulatory governance, which he is currently in the process of drafting on the behalf of the City of Naples.

On Friday 28 at 2.30 pm, Tesserae’s  Laura Colini will also be taking part in the event, acting as URBACT’s thematic programme expert for the ‘People-Centred Cities towards the U20’ panel (in cooperation with the G20/U20 program).

Register here to attend the event online

Download the full event program

18 Mag , 2021 - Category:

commons · conference · urbact · urban commons

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