Memory and Resistance

The Museu da Maré in Rio de Janeiro

Lorenzo Tripodi, Laura Colini, Manuela Conti

Issue #81 of Dèrive Magazine is dedicated to Democratic Spaces, and looks at the past, present and future of open, non-commercial, hybrid spaces of participation. It includes an article by Lorenzo Tripodi, Laura Colini and Manuela Conti about the Museu da Maré and the Network of Social Museology of Rio de Janeiro. The article is one of the outcomes of our engagement with the community museum in Maré as part of the H2020 Rise CoCreation project.

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Thi toolkit was designed to support the establishment of the INHUBS of the IN-HABIT project in four medium sized European cities, and provided the basis for the training of the local community activators.

Switch On Mehringplatz

Switch On Mehringplatz

This booklet is the final outcome of the training program developed in Berlin by Tesserae Urban Social Research within the EULER transnational exchange, a collaboration between organisations from Antwerp, Barcelona, London and Berlin. The aim of our programme was to promote participatory methodologies for social and entrepreneurial initiatives at the scale of the neighbourhood. This is one in a series of 6 brochures about the project EULER.

Loops of Change

Loops of Change

The issue 68 of LoSquaderno dedicated to the theme “Loop” includes a short piece by Lorenzo Tripodi. The paper examines participatory processes as “loops of cognitive loops” and presents Tesserae’s Frame4Change as a recursive action system similar to a music composition approach.