Cocreation workshop in Santa Marta

From July 30 to August 5 the Santa Marta Sem Fronteiras cocreation workshop took place in Rio de Janeiro. Five days of activities and site visits in the Santa Marta favela involved more than 20 researchers from the partners organisations. Manuela Conti and Sergio Segoloni took part as representatives of Tesserae. The program coordinated by local community organisers and  the researchers of PUC Rio touched several key topics as the stigmatisation of deprived territories, programs of regeneration of the favela, participative approaches and new trends of tourisms in the favelas. The experience was very intense and revealed difficulties and contradictions in intervening in a sensitive context like today’s favelas.

Here the event reported in Brasilian TV
Pesquisadores internacionais conhecem comunidade do Santa Marta no Rio

The photographic diary of Manuela is accessible form her travelogue here.


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