Founder and senior researcher
PhD in Urban, regional and environmental design, Habil. in Urban Studies. My work covers socio-spatial inequalities, with a focus on public policies addressing housing, and migration. I have been working as senior urban policy expert for over twenty years with EU programmes and initiatives ( URBACT, Urban Innovative Action now EUI, EU Urban Agenda Urban agenda for the partnership Urban Poverty, Housing, Inclusion of migrant and refugees, Culture and Cultural Heritage) with tasks as independent consultant for EUCOM DG regio, national ministries and international organisations such as Housing Europe, Eurocities, IUT et al. I have worked in academia in Italy, Germany, France, USA and currently I serve with a research position at H-City (Housing in the City) cluster city at the University IUAV of Venice, collaborating with the UNESCO chair on migration SSIIM. I have been teaching to master students in urban planning and public policies at IUAV Venice, University of Florence, and Ecole d´Urbanisme de Paris. In the interstitials between work and family duties, I volunteer with the civic initiatives From Sea to the Cities for better migration policies in Europe and the artist collective Oginoknauss. I am Co-founder of Tesserae urban and social research, MiMetis SRL migration, and I have been a fond member of INURA for the last 20 years or more. Last but not least, I do not have a linkedin, Facebook, X or Instagram account.