Combating poverty in deprived urban areas
URBinclusion is an URBACT Implementation Network focused on the co-creation of new implementation solutions to reduce poverty in deprived urban areas. Integrated strategies addressing social inclusion are implemented by the nine partners cities composing the network: Barcelona (Lead partner), Krakow, Torino, Timisoara, Glasgow, Napoli, Trikala, Lyon, Copenhagen. The project will boost innovative methods of exchange and collective learning.The common policy challenge addressed by URBinclusion is founded on an “area-based approach”, concentrated on specific (deprived) geographic areas, with essentially place-based policies.
Since November 2018 Lorenzo Tripodi in team with Anamaria Vrabie is URBACT Lead Expert providing expertise and facilitation to the nine partners of the network.
Napoli- UrbInclusion transnational meeting