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From the sea to the city

‘From the Sea to the City’ aims to join forces to reimagine the European stance on migration with cities and human rights at the center. With this vision we want to send a strong signal to the European institutions that we want to pursue a welcoming and human-rights based migration and refugee policy. Welcoming refugees and migrants in our municipalities and cities is a chance to democratize Europe further from below: it is the cities that bear the brunt of managing migration, thus it is the cities that should also have a say in the European migration policy. It builds up from the 2018 created Palermo Charter Process Platform (PCPP) a broad activists platform, inspired by the freedom of international mobility of migrants declared in the Palermo Charter in 2015.

The conference ‘From the Sea to the City’ is thought to be the first step in the process of creating a European network of cities and communities whose initiatives and actions will be part of a joint campaign with the aim to advocate for an active role of cities in European migration politics. Such a network would increase visibility of welcoming municipalities at the EU level, encourage other cities to take action and build stronger alliances with civil society actors. United, we come together to put forward concrete and far-reaching demands in order to change the attitude towards migration in Europe and to influence the public debate on these issues in different European member states. Welcoming municipalities are growing in number all over Europe and represent a powerful political voice, able to relaunch Europe from the bottom-up.

Tesserae is a partner in the project. Laura Colini contributes to the organisation and moderation of the conference.

: first online panel
: second online panel
: third online panel
: fourth online panel




Europe must act. 
Mediterranea rescue 
Humboldt- Viadrina
Open arms 
European alternatives 
International network for urban research and action 



Panel 1
Panel 2 
Panel 3
Panel 4



From the sea to the city: regroup, rethink, react