Alba - Ter
Alba Ter gathers 52 Municipalities with a population of about 252,000 inhabitants living between the rivers Ter and Alba. The Alba-Ter Consortium is a supra-municipal body which acts as the driving force of global initiatives for cohesion, preservation, promotion and sustainability of the whole Ter river basin. It is an entity with legal status; a public body with associative character with full ability to fulfil its purposes. Alba Ter is a consortium of local administrations, constituted on December 4th 1998. Initially it was the organ in charge of managing and developing the project Alba Ter / Ave, including the development of a Geographical Information System for the area, funded by European structural funds. Since the finalization of the initial project in 2001, the consortium has been responsible for the implementation on the territory of the objectives of the Integral Master Plan of Rio Ter (Plan de Ordenacion Integral del rio Ter).
Case study developed by Laura Colini for the Brazil Municipios project