Engagement Stories: the Neighbourhood Atlas of Südliche Friedrichstadt

With the fourth public meeting that took place on Thursday 18 February at Feldfünf im Metropolenhaus we closed the first phase of the Mehringplatz Anknipsen lab. After the previous meetings done at the Kiezstübe (Delimitations, places)  and at the Amerika Gedenkbibliothek (memories), the topic proposed this time to the group of participants was “transformations”: how has the neighbourhood changed through recent spatial development and what social and cultural effects did such transformations bring? We discussed what kind of transformation can we identify as affecting the life of the neighbourhood, and  carried a mapping exercise to collect inputs for our atlas. Currently, the information resulting from the first set of laboratories are being published online in the COMENSI Atlas of the Südliche Friedrichstadt.

The next step is to select a range of “stories of engagement” documenting local initiatives and projects aimed at mobilising the neighbourhood and improve civic participation. These stories will be the object of the next lab in May dedicated to digital storytelling (dates to be defined).  The  the purpose this final workshop is that of feeding the collection of “narratives” in the atlas with new contents and to foster a reflection on different approaches and effects of participatory practices in neighbourhoods in distress.

Contact Franziska(at)tesserae.eu if you want to know more or join the laboratory.

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