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ROOF Network proposes 4 key actions for ending homelessness in the EU

The URBACT ROOF network has called upon the EU and Member States to take action on ending homelessness in 4 key areas.
The group, which is formed of 9 EU cities and is focused on ending homelessness through Housing First policies and strategy, was supported by Tesserae’s Laura Colini in developing its ‘4 key messages to the EU on homelessness‘ statement and an accompanying letter, signed by all ROOF network member cities, urging the EU and Member States to provide sufficient resources in 4 critical areas.

The letter calls for the EU to:

  • Produce an EU Homelessness Strategy that connects tackling homelessness to decent adequate Affordable Housing Policies
  • Provide solid and comparable European data on homelessness including the implementation and outcomes of Housing First/Led
  • Promote Housing First/Led as one of the solutions to end Homelessness in all Members States
  • Clearly identify and allocate the relevant EU structural and Investments funds to tackle homelessness and expand affordable housing stock

Read the full letter here.

For more info, see:

From the Sea to the City – Declaration of mayors and conference recordings onlineOpen_CCCP Closing Events